I know Coins for Change has
come and gone, but I wanted to share an awesome trip I took recently to
see the incredible work you contribute to every year.
buying memberships and giving to Coins for Change, you guys have helped
build a ton of schools across the world. One of the places is in a
country called Kenya in Africa. Through your support, hundreds of kids
are able to go to school. I got to visit the schools, play soccer with
the kids there and see first hand the amazing work Club Penguin has
done. They even gave us a goat as a "Thank You" gift!
It was awesome to see how much better their lives are because of you! So keep up the good work!
Until then,
Waddle on!
Amazing work, Billybob! Thank you for making a difference!
Kendall A423 here! Polo Field confirmed there will be a music jam this year! Cadence obviously approves this! More answers from Polo Soon! Spoiler: Penguin Band!
been a great 3 weeks but it's time to announce that the My Penguin Day
competition in the UK is now over (please don't send anymore)! We
received loooooads of awesome templates! Not sure why we decided to
throw them all on the floor but it makes for a nice photo ;)
Thanks to everyone who entered!
UK team and I will be looking through all the epic entries this week
and will announce the winner here on the blog next week! I can't wait!
-Club Penguin Team
had such a rockin' Australia Day Party last week – I was so excited to
see everyone dressed up in their outfits chanting "Aussie Aussie
Aussie". You were all totally awesome!
week I've been spending so much time at the Prehistoric Party – have
you all been collecting your Dino Puffles? I love my new Blue Dino
Puffle – I've named him DinosaurAUS. At the moment he's hanging out with
my pink Puffle 'Lil Aussie' in my new amazing backyard. Have you all
filled yours with Puffles yet?
week I like to try and visit all of your igloos, so why don't we have a
party where we visit each others igloos and dig for eggs? Make sure you
have your Dino Dig Site in your igloo and maybe we'll come and visit
your iggy! Also, don't forgot to come dressed up in your epic caveguin
outfits – they are so cute!
Lets meet in the Forest on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 30th January, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 29th January for everyone over in the US and Canada.
Hi guys, or penguins! Kendall A423 here. Heres a message by megg:
This weekend has been a blast! I want to thank Spike Hike and ALL of the Club Penguin community for helping make it awesome.
I am excited to see all the submissions for the hoodie coloring page. If you haven't submitted one yet, make sure to get it in by the end of today!
Here's mine :D
I really enjoy seeing how talented the CP community is too. I want to collect any fan art you have -- not just the hoodie coloring pages. Submit it HERE so I can check it out :)
Now it's time to party! Bulldozerz2 is throwing a #MeggTakeover party on the server Sleet at 11:00amPST today. (Check the clock tower at the Snow Forts if you're not sure when that is)
Hey everyone. Kendall A423 here. Here is a message from Megg about today's Spike Saturday:
Hope everyone is enjoying the #MeggTakeover :D
today is Saturday, there would usually be a Spike Saturday. As
temporary owner for the weekend, I'm taking over Spike Saturday!
However, I didn't want to completely take away the "Spikeness" of it, so
I've dressed up like Spike Hike...
I was thinking we could all dress up like Spike Hike and still throw a Spike Saturday but with a twist.
So, if you wanna join in... I'll be going on the server Hockey at 11:00am Penguin Standard Time. (If you're not sure when that is, check the clock tower at the Snow Forts)
On another note, if you have any awesome ideas for the #MeggTakeover -- write them in the comments below!
Waddle on,
Hi everyone! Kendall A423 here. As you can see overnight club penguin has updated the ski hill and forest! Lets take a second to count how many rooms have been updated in club penguin so far. Not just overnight but the latest ones updated: Ski hill, Forest, Mine and Cove! They are all great! Here are pictures:
Hey! Its your penguin pal Kendall A423 here and i have been crazy going around the island taking screenshots of the new prehistoric party 2014 and i'm going to carry you through the cheats! First you have to go into the time trekker and go out through the door on the right:
When your done and arrived in the prehistoric times, go to the map:
Pick any place to go dig for dino eggs and puffles! And when you dig you will find the puffle you dig up will be blue:
When you start playing the game it will look like this:
You will find dino eggs and there is 5 dino groups to find from. Once you finish a dino group then you will receive an item:
You will find dino puffles too. and like i said you will find a blue puffle first and every 2 days you will get another puffle. Whats your blue puffles name? Mine is Chipotle:
I already hatched my blue puffle and i forgot to take pictures, but i will just show you the cheats anyway. But when you do it you will have the blue puffle egg with you. So first you head to the volcano:
You will eventually get to the inside of the volcano. Like i said, when you hatch the blue puffle you will have the egg in your hand but the reason i dont is because i already did hatch the puffle without pictures. But anyway, take the egg over a hot spot like this:
You will know its a hot spot because it will brighten up a bit. take your puffle over the volcano in the corner on the hot spot and there you go! You will name your puffle and your good to go! And of course on Saturday i will help you get another puffle :) WADDLE ON and hoped this helped :)
Hey Kendall A423 here. I cant post very much right now as im very busy at the moment but here is the link to the new spoiler alert! http://www.clubpenguin.com/blog/2014/01/video-spoiler-alert-prehistoric-party-sneak-peek-0 Waddle On!
Hi! Kendall A423 here. I recently learned on the ipad how to access candy mode for the really cool pizzatron game! Here is how to do it:
So you see the switch with the pizza and the candy piece? Take your finger and swipe across the lever to the candy piece. When your done, it should look like this:
Then you can press play and that's all to it! Hope this helped! (This was my pictures that i took from my ipad!)
Hey guys! Kendall A423 here. Heres a message by Spike Hike:
Привет Penguin Friends,
Our global Penguin community is growing again! We are so excited to announce that Club Penguin is finally coming to Russia!
This marks the sixth language to join Club Penguin. With over 7M kids online in Russia, we hope to see lots of Russian Penguins waddling around the island soon.
To our new Russian friends, "добро пожаловать" (welcome)! What makes Club Penguin special is the diverse community of kids like you from around the world who visit the island every day and fill it with their joy and imaginations. Here, the coolest thing you can be is yourself, and we can't wait to see the special things you will bring to our community.
I also want to say "привет" to our new Russian blogger Snego Lex. Snego will keep our Russian Penguins up to date on everything happening on the island and will also share more about Russia and its culture with the rest of our Penguins around the globe.
Club Penguin will go live in Russian officially on February 6 at www.clubpenguin.com/ru and will be available in the next release of the Club Penguin app in the next few months.
Until next time…шлёпаем дальше (Waddle On)! -Club Penguin Team
Hey everyone! Kendall A423 here. Polo Field recently mentioned on his twitter feed the Puffle Party is going to be in April! That's since last year it was in March. That's really all for now! I think we need to keep an eye on on the blog for more info!
Hmm this looks pretty suspicious to me. Muppets most wanted takeover in March? Credit for all of this goes to Phineas99.
Hey! Kendall A423 here! So, remember the MU takeover? Club penguin had been following Monsters University on twitter a few weeks before the party! But now with the Muppets movie coming out, club penguin started following the Muppets on twitter, too.
Also, Spike Hike mentioned in a tweet that there were rumors about a Muppets most wanted takeover, and he said that the CP team never tells him anything, then he put a smiley face the end of the tweet, and he also posted on twitter a picture of Kermit.
Third, similar to the second, Polo Field tweeted a video about Muppets Most Wanted. It is about "Muppets Most Wanted - ACCROSS THE INTERNET". By "Accross the Internet" maybe its hinting that the Muppets Most Wanted film might be taking over Club Penguin Universe.
Don't worry about the Puffle Party though! It was either Spike Hike or Polo Field who posted on twitter that the Puffle Party will return sometime around Easter, and that we should keep an eye out on the blog.
I think i know what you're thinking ;) April Fools party? CP is still planning if they should do one this year, unlike last year. They either might have a small Box dimension party, or a small party in one of the moderator's igloo.
Well, that's all for now. So far we know there is the Fair party in February! Polo said to keep an eye on the blog for hints on whats coming in March. Waddle On!
A few days ago we announced that members will soon be able to adopt dino puffles!
I'm excited to tell you the team has created a backyard for your igloo!
Everyone will be able to keep 10 puffles in their igloo and all their other puffles into their backyard (or keep all your pets in the backyard). What's awesome is that while your pets are in the backyard, their stats won't go down.
Now members will be able to adopt up to 40 puffles! You're going to need all that space for the new puffles we create in the future...
Your igloo backyards will open on January 22!
Until then... Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
That is such great news! 40 puffles and it's great they stay the same in the backyard! :)
Hey everyone! Kendall A423 here. The new stone scissors pin has been released a few hours ago, and it's located in the forest. You can go find it there. Here is a picture of me and the pin, showing you were in the forest that you can find it:
Here is a post from Polo Field: As some of you may know, we like to answer your questions at the end of each Spoiler Alert episode. It seems as though we are in need of some questions though... So here's your chance! Ask away! Your question could be featured in an upcoming episode :) Waddle on, -Club Penguin Team
I would like to ask who writes the scripts for the Spoiler Alert, and how they come up with what to put in the show!
Last week's party was WADDLES OF FUN! Our rockin' conga line found its way back to the train station where we collected EVEN MORE coins to donate to Coins for Change, woop woop! I think you all deserve a huge 'high five' for all your efforts over the past few weeks, you're all totally awesome!
Now all the excitement of Christmas and New Year is over, its time to start a fresh new year, set some goals for 2014 and party in the summer sun - for everyone in the southern hemisphere that is, everyone else can just imagine the sun to stay warm ;)
So this week, lets all head down to the beach, celebrate summer and set some goals for this year! Come dressed in your best summer outfit – I'm thinking bikini's, hula skirts, sunglasses…. And tell me your goals for 2014, I'll let you know mine too!
Once the beach party is over, why don't we check out the lighthouse and have an epic band session… one of my 2014 goals might have something to do with an electric guitar…
Lets meet at the Beach on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australian Standard Time) on Thursday 9th January, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don't forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 8th January for everyone over in the US and Canada.
Hi everyone! Kendall A423 here! It's no surprise that's this is happening, but Gary WILL be joining us at the prehistoric party! Club penguin released a tweet on twitter about it. Stay tuned to the club penguin blog as they will also announce it there. When it gets closer to the Prehistoric party, which starts January 23rd and ends February 4th, club penguin will release times to meet Gary during the party! When club penguin releases times to meet Gary during the party, I will make sure to post the times here for you! Waddle On!
Here is a message from Polo Field:
Hello Penguins!
Guess what...
Gary the Gadget Guy is adopting his first ever puffle!
What do you think he should name it? 1. Archimedes (Archie) 2. Marsh 3. Darwin 4. Pi
Go to our Penguin Poll and cast your vote!
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team
I say Pi as it sounds very mathematical for a brown puffle!
Hey everyone! Kendall A423 here. It turns out during the Prehistoric party, starting Jan. 23rd, members can collect and keep six dinosaur puffles! Cool, huh? It turns out club penguin announced it on the log-off screen when you log off club penguin! The party ends February 4th. Here's the screen picture:
And if you already have 20 puffles, Don't worry! You can still collect and keep the puffles! Proof? Here: Spike Hike@SpikeHikeCP: For those who have 20 puffles already. Don't worry. We got a solution for you. :-) about 20 hours ago
If you still don't believe me, then feel free to check Spike Hike's twitter yourself! :)
Hi! Kendall A423 here. Sorry I've been so late on blogging. I haven't blogged in more than a month! But Club penguin released a mash-up video of the 2013 parties and you can spot me in the marvel one and Halloween party one! Go to this website: https://t.co/9hrqal1py7 to go see the video! I think club penguin did an excellent job on their parties, mascots, puffles and card-jitsu this year! What do you think about the 2013 year? I hope they do even better in 2014! Happy New Year!